Building the kernel

To build the kernel, you must have the proper toolchain already built and installed. Please refer to the Development setup chapter for instructions on how to do this.


In order to build a bootable ISO, grub-mkrescue is required. Otherwise, the build will only produce a kernel executable that cannot be directly launched by QEMU/bare-metal!

Building from VSCode

Provided VSCode workspace settings should allow you to simply press the Build button on the bottom status bar to build the kernel, as long as the toolchain was built and installed successfully.

Building the kernel manually

For a reference implementation, you can refer to the GitHub Action that performs the build automatically.

Example build

For example, to build the kernel for x86_64, run the following:

mkdir -p build/ && cd build/
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$(pwd)/../CMake -DMU_MACHINE=x86_64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/muOS/
make -j$(nproc)

Please note that this assumes the current directory is the MuOS repository (${MUREPO}).

Build configuration

The kernel utilizes CMake as the build system, but additional configuration options are required to be passed for a successful build. These options are:

  • -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH - for now, this must be set to the absolute path to the CMake/ folder of the cloned MuOS repository

  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - for now, this must be set to /usr/local/muOS

  • -DMU_MACHINE - this defines the architecture to build for. Currently, only x86_64 is supported.

Some additional options that you can modify:

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<type> - where type can be as described here. Debug builds are better suited for development, but it’s also beneficial to test your implementation on other build types, to make sure nothing is broken on higher optimization levels.

Out-of-tree builds are preferred.

Build output

The kernel executable is placed in ${MUREPO}/Root/uKernel.bin after the build, regardless of how you build the kernel (VSCode/manual). Additionally, ${MUREPO}/Root/MuOS.iso is created, which can be used to test-drive the kernel in QEMU/bare-metal (provided grub-mkrescue is present).